Corporate Law and Services


Law Firm in Bangkok, Thailand

The Department of Corporate Governance, Corporate Law, Incorporation, and Business Startup at Anurak & Associates is a one-stop corporate services solution for all business types. The firm represents multinational corporations, small & medium-sized enterprises, local companies, and Thai and foreign small businesses. The firm’s corporate services include the formation of all kinds of juristic entities including, but not limited to, public limited companies, limited liability companies, joint ventures, consortiums, and branch and regional offices as well as reorganizations and restructurings, investments, mergers and acquisitions, due diligences, and obtaining special benefit privileges and incentives from government agencies including the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT). This department also advises on and drafts contracts and other business and legal documents and offers full corporate secretary services. The Corporate team combines transactional expertise with comprehensive experience in all areas of law relevant to establishing and operating a business in Thailand and regularly handles a wide range of complex domestic and cross-border corporate and commercial matters.


Corporate Department FAQ


Q. What professional services are rendered under the Corporate Department?

A. We offer various services including company formation, corporate regulatory compliance, M&A, and all other matters relating to corporate management and responsibility.

Q. What are your legal fees for these services?

A. We have both retainer fees and billable hour fees which we can send to a client who wants more infomation.

Q. Do you offer secretariat work and share register recordal as a share registrar for the company and issue share certificates?

A. Yes, these are regular corporate services we offer our clients.

Q. Do you take care of annual corporate filing or is there a special requirement in your jurisdiction?

A. Yes, we take care of filing annual corporate reports for all corporate clients.

Q. Do you also act as a secretary for Board of Directors meetings or General Shareholders meetings?

A. Yes, we render this service and also attend the meeting. If required by the client, we can also prepare the meeting notice and minutes of the meeting.

Q. Do we do corporate due diligence?

A. Yes, this is popular work for our firm. We offer both specific (short form) due diligence and comprehensive due diligence.

Q. Any more questions?

A. Contact

Achara Malee | Email: | Telephone: (66) 2879-6389 or (66) 81 565 3570

Benjawan Rasdusade   | Email: | Telephone: (66) 2879-6389 or (66) 81 823 5128

Corporate Department | Email: | Telephone: (66) 2879-6389


Guidance on and formation/restructuring of business entities


Corporate governance and compliance


Government licenses and approvals


Advice on listing on the stock exchange of Thailand and market compliance


Mergers & Acquisitions


Government & private sectors agreements other contractual documents


Tax compliance, tax mitigation and double-tax treaty expertise.


Provision of a company secretary and maintenance of appropriate statutory records


Advice on special government regimes: BOI, IEAT, Treaty of Amity, etc.

RS Building, 40th Floor Room 121/106, Ratchadapisek Road, Khet Din Daeng, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand
TEL (66) 2879-6389.